Rep. Gordon hits the road for March for Meals campaign

Representative Ken Gordon, Minuteman Senior Services’ Meals on Wheels Volunteer 1st Lt. John Bennion – Courtesy image (c) 2018 all rights reserved

The Bedford Citizen

Representative Ken Gordon prepares to deliver meals to homebound seniors in Bedford for Minuteman Senior Services’ Meals on Wheels Program, a valuable community service that provides a safety check and friendly visit as well as a nutritious meal.

Community Champions nationwide are volunteering their time this month in an outreach effort designed to draw attention to senior hunger in our communities, to recruit volunteer drivers and to raise needed funds.

Call toll-free 888-222-6171 for more information or to volunteer to be a Meals on Wheels Driver.

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Rep. Gordon testifies on bill to address sexual harassment in the workplace

22 News

The “Me Too” movement is sparking state governments across the nation to take action against sexual harassment. Massachusetts lawmakers hope to reduce instances of sexual harassment in the workplace through a bill filed by Majority Leader Cynthia Creem, (D) Newton.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal but instances often never get reported and some offenders escape detection through confidentiality agreements. Creem said the legislation aims to ensure repeat harassers can not hide behind confidentiality agreements.

“Many people find that if they do come forward, they’re not believed, they’re ridiculed, their potential for future employment becomes reduced,” State Rep. Kenneth Gordon, (D) Bedford, said.

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